--classstrugggle-flipmag CS Aug-2018 MKP | Page 3

World Affairs: N A T O – A T ool of Imperialist Ag g r ession Agg NATO’s Brussel’s Summit held in July 2018 began in an atmosphere of discord but ended with the release of a unanimous joint Statement. Before and right in the Summit, the US President Donald Trump made some blunt comments on his allies, more so, on Germany. He said: “We are protecting Germany, France and everybody… this has been going on for decades.” “We are not going to put up with it, we cannot put up with it and it is inappropriate.” “…they are saying we are paying you billions of dollars to protect you but you are paying billions of dollars to Russia.” “Germany is a captive of Russia because it is getting so much of its energy from Russia”. “NATO is not a stock exchange where you can buy security. NATO is an alliance of sovereign countries united by strategic targets and common values.” He said the commitment to spend 2 per cent of GDP on Defense is not enough. The allies must increase it to 4 per cent. NATO came into existence as a military alliance in 1949. US, which came to the fore as the leader of capitalist world in the post- Second World War period, had roped the European powers scaring them with an imagined and fictitious threat of attack from the Socialist Soviet Union. But it was only an alibi used by the US to impose its leadership on Europe and the world. ‘An attack on one member is an attack on them all’ is the founding commitment of NATO allies. It gave the impression that NATO was defensive in nature. But the experience of seven decades had abundantly proved that NATO is a colossal, monstrous edifice of imperialist aggression. August - 2018 The US and its allies used the UN as and when they needed to claim a legal cover to their illegal armed interventions and invasions against other countries. They used the name of ‘humanitarian’ intervention to their acts of marching the invading armed forces into other countries to forcibly topple the regimes there. They bestowed upon themselves the so called ‘Right to Protect’ (R2P) the people of a country from Govt.’s brutal suppression. All the armed interventions by the US together with NATO forces were carried on either under the cover of UN sanction or under the banner of the so called “coalition of the willing” or as a so called global war against terrorism, as in the case of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria. In the course of time, NATO had grown not only into a powerful tool of imperialist aggression, but also as a powerful means to pressurize and coerce the small and weak countries to come under the imperialist umbrella and subju- gation. The US and its NATO allies made well coordinated attempts to rope the erstwhile Soviet Republics, Soviet allies and the countries of Eastern Europe into NATO and carried out a strategy to encircle and out flank Russia. Thus NATO had dangerously enlarged its sphere of activity and had emerged as an alliance of 29 members. NATO is said to be based on the principle of equality. But, in practice, it is the US which dominates, dictates and runs the affairs of NATO by dint of its economic, military and political power. Trump’s outbursts in Brussel’s Summits against the NATO allies came in the background of serious crisis plaguing the US economy and growing contradictions between the US and other imperialist powers. US wants that the economic and trade activities of other European powers must not hurt its economy and create no hurdles in the way of its moves to overcome the economic crisis. US wishes that its allies must not make the US moves to ‘punish’ Iran through economic sanctions ineffective. However, these attempts of US to threaten other countries to extend the sanctions even to them if they engage in economic and trade activity with Iran can only be said as a height of imperialist arrogance. Germany and other European powers could not digest the US comments in the NATO Summit. The German Chancellor Angela Markel has expressed her displeasure mildly, when she said, now we make “our own independent policies and make our own independent decisions.” Donald Tusk, the President of European Union has called upon the US President Trump to “appreciate your allies” and recollect how Europe had come to US aid following the 9/11 attacks. With all the manifestations of contradictions and fissures, we can say that none of the European allies of US presently is prepared to seriously clash with and challenge the US domination in NATO. Therefore, at the end of the Summit, NATO allies agreed to greater “burd en sharing.” They reaffirmed their continued commit- ment to the fundamental aim of the Alliance. It means that the imperia- lists are united in plundering and oppressing the world people while competing and striving for a better share of them. ™ 3