--classstrugggle-flipmag CS Aug-2018 MKP | Page 11

individual problem , because , all the people depending upon their stage and conditions started diverting their entire attention on “ how to get more wealth ”.
No information on miserable lives of poor and in what kind of indecent inhuman conditions , they are leading their lives and media is totally indifferent on this issue . It will not care the issue at all . What should be done by the majority whose leaves are miserable and tragic ? Will they feel proud of Billionaires / Trillionaires of world / country ? How can they forget their own dismal lives ?.
In fact what is the source of value creation ? How is it accumulating in the hands of rich class ? How is it concentrated in few ? What are its consequences ? What about the lives of lap less and helpless poor ? All these issues not at all find a place in the discussions of WEF .
Inequalities are acceptable and admissible . The concept of equality itself is outdated . The arguments that are promoted and strengthened are only to humiliate the concept of equality . The notions are created that accumulation of wealth is the result of individual skills and intellectual capabilities . Conversely poverty is the result of individual ’ s inefficiency and weakness and therefore , individual is responsible for poverty . Moreover poor should feel ashamed of their inefficiency and their state of condition .
The rise in aspiration for wealth , connected luxuries , superiority , domination made everyone to humiliate , degrade insult all the people who are inferior to them . This trend became quite normal . All this resulted in the disappearance of human value & it became indicator of weakness . With this , the prevalent hierarchical ladder in the society further strengthened , which intensified the relations of “ Domination-Subordination .” Everyone is inferior in front
August - 2018 of his / her superior . Conversely everyone is superior in front of inferior . The person who is timid and spineless with superiors will dominate indiscriminately to inferiors . All this strengthened all kind of inequalities and discriminations in terms of caste , religion and gender .
The media , NGOs and religious leaders have been playing significant role to popularize the “ accepted ideology ” of inequalities . Therefore global media leaders , religious leaders and the voluntary organizations which work peripherally on various issues that emerge in the intensive unequal structures of society , but will not at all question the root cause of these challenges and growing inequalities will not come under the purview at all- are the part and parcel of WEF .
In the society where “ inequalities ” are acceptable , then “ charity and related activities becomes admissible ”, because the poor have no option except to hope for alums from rich who accumulated / looted wealth . Therefore the Charitable Trust finds a significant place in the Forum . No struggles for rights and equality . The poor should be extremely happy by looking at wealth and Opulent and costly lives of rich . The poor should move around rich to beg for their charity . Poor should not have any self-respect . They should always be obedient to the rich and not supposed to raise their heads and question the dominant / rich / ruling class . On the other side , the Government declares thousands of cross of concessions to big corporate powers and request them to allocate at least 2 % of their profits for Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR ). This is really a serious contradiction . Further the Universities and Academic Institutions organizes seminars to appreciate the social responsibility of corporate powers .
Are there any measures in the direction of Oxfam ’ s recommendation “ Reward work not wealth ”? It is interesting to note that the Oxfam report clearly advocated that the design of structures of global economy should be changed to build future free from inequalities . It states that hard work should be rewarded . Contrastingly , the Human Capital Report analyses totally opposite issues . In this the rank of India is 101 / 130 .
The Human Capital Report category states that the “ Development is possible only with migrant labour ”. They will do work obediently and their weak bargaining power compels them to do more work for less wage . If the definition of principle of development is to intensify exploitation , then for the development of gaint corporate powers necessarily needs migrant labour . In this context it is more relevant to remember that while supporting Slave mode , Aristotle states that “ Rome can ’ t be built without slaves ”.
Further this report admires the efficiency of brokers who could extract more labour from Outsourcing workers . Therefore it advocates the strengthening of this Brokerage system to liberate itself from profitability crisis . The Forum strongly popularizes the measures that in that Intensify labour exploitation . Everyone knows that India is characterized by the disappearance of regular jobs / employment , contract outsourcing labour is crucial for all the activities and rise in migration where migrant Labour subjected to more suppression , oppression and exploitation in helpless conditions . The trends in employment that raise labour exploitation , naturally results in the raise in the affluence of dominant powers as well as increase in inequalities . The WEF which advocates the changes in the structures of global / National economy with neo-liberal policies