--classstrugggle-flipmag classstruggle-nov-2017-flippbook | Page 24

Before the establishment of the People ’ s Republic in its four stages the Chinese revolution faced the left and right opportunist trends . Like twins , like the two sides of the same coin , these trends sat on the shoulders of the Chinese communist party . At one time , the left trend became more dangerous and at another time right trend that adopted a capitulationist line became more dangerous . On the eve of establishing the people ’ s democratic dictatorship , the left trend came to the fore . After the peoples republic was established and when the socialist movement started the danger of right trend was main . The Chinese communist party under the leadership of Mao upheld Marxism-Leninism and fought against those trends . It applied Marxism- Leninism to Chinese concrete conditions in every stage and defeated the left , right and capitulationist trends within and outside the party .
China achieved tremendous progress in agriproducts . The standard of people ’ s living had gone up . But economic successes brought some dangers too ; Arrogance has increased ; nationalism was given more prominence ; the attitude of thinking that we already achieved more and nothing more is needed had developed . In 1956 , the 20 th Congress of the Soviet Communist Party accepted the Khrushchev ’ s revisionism . The Chinese communist party realized what harmful and dangerous impact it was going to have on the international arena , more importantly the severity of its impending damage in the socialist countries . From then on the Chinese party began its ideological struggles against this revisionism . By 1960 ’ s it started open criticism . The Chinese revisionists came out as the adherents of capitalist road . By 1965 ’ s the struggle against these revisionists intensified . The struggle against the adherents of capitalism intensified with the big poster movement and later the Red Guard ’ s movement started .
Once China entered the stage of Socialist Revolution the contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie class has become the contradiction . Liu Shao qi took the line of consolidating the new democratic system and guaranteeing the protection of private property . Thus he made it clear that he does not want to move to socialism from new democracy .
In the 8 th Party Central Committee meeting , Peng Duhai opposed the Great Leap Forward , People ’ s Communes and the revolutionary people ’ s movement . Mao waged a bitter struggle against his right opportunism .
The Central Committee of the 9 th Party Congress rejected the report of Lin Biao . This report , instead of defining the principal contradiction as between proletariat and the bourgeoisie class , he defined it as the contradiction between backward productive forces and a developed socialist system . This is a class collaborationist theory . It either teaches the line that class struggle has ended or that it is not required . It rejects the Marxist-Leninist thesis that class struggle exist even in socialist society . Mao thus said that the struggle against Li Shao qi , Peng Duhai , Lin Biao is part of the 50 year long larger struggle between the two lines within the party ; this is not the last one ; this goes on as long as the adherents of capitalism exists . Mao stated 3 principles basing on the experiences gained from internal struggles : Fight for Marxism-Oppose revisionism . Stand for unity-oppose disunity . Act openly-Oppose conspiracies . Mao warned that at a time when the internal struggle between the two lines is going on one wrong line supports another wrong line and it is not possible to have unity with them in the struggle against bourgeoisie . In the same way during a united front with the bourgeoisie , it is possible to forget about the struggle against the bourgeoisie . In the Chinese Communist Party , the left line of Wang Ming which said that there will be only struggle but no unity had covered up the Chen Duxiu ’ s line which said that there will be only unity but no struggle with the bourgeois . In the same way the right opportunist line of Li Shao qi is covered by the left line of Lin Biao . The experience of the Chinese Communist Party once again proved that both left and right are opportunisms and they are twins .
After the death of Mao in 1976 , the capitalist line gradually gained the upper hand . It changed China into a capitalist country and the Chinese Communist Party into a revisionist party . The Chinese people will definitely oppose the revisionists and the capitalist roaders . They may call Mao a dictator ; a dogmatist ; a farmer ; But the lessons of the Chinese revolution teach us that these statements have no value and that Mao is a man of the masses , a great Marxist- Leninist , a great strategist , teacher , fighter and a great leader . The November Revolution ( based on the present Gregorian calendar ) of Russia which is earlier called as the October ( based on old Julian Calendar ) revolution and the October Revolution of China ( there is no old calendar in China ) -both are two milestones in the history of mankind . It is a naked truth that from the birth of Communist Parties in these
Class Struggle