--classstrugggle-flipmag classstruggle-nov-2017-flippbook | Page 22

reactionary forces from outside . But the poor and the middle class peasants had resisted the counter revolutionary activities of the kulaks and profitmongers who were opposed to movement for collective farms . They busted their conspiracies and firmly took the collective farm movement forward and achieved abundance in food grain production .
In the same way the capitalist forces conspired to execute destructive programs in some factories and coal mines . The foreign capitalists , Russian capitalists and foreign military spies together conspired and engaged themselves in reactionary activities with the objective of breaking the Russian socialist industries and reestablishing the capitalist system . The Russian Communist Party ( Bolshevik ) under the leadership of Stalin detected these conspiracies and cautioned the working class . After going through process of enquiries and trail these counter reactionaries were given appropriate punishments . Stalin suggested to draw and train the youth from the working class in technical education and use them in building socialism instead of depending on the capitalist experts .
Stalin took many steps to protect the country and its socialist system against the domestic capitalists who turned into counter reactionaries , the foreign capitalists and foreign agents .
The party has concentrated its struggle against the Trotskyites and Zinovite ’ s bloc within the party even before the peasants and proletariat took their offensive against the kulaks and capitalists outside the party . Bukharin and Rykov faction hidden under neutrality . But when workers and peasants started their offensive against kulaks and capitalists this bloc threw off its mask and came out against the party openly . They openly supported the kulaks ; expressed blind opposition against the growth of collective farming ; said class struggle is not required anymore ; argued against attacks and preached that kulaks ( landlords ) and capitalists would transform peacefully ; They came to the fore in support of the worn out Bourgeois ideology . They rode roughshod over the well-known Lenin ’ s thesis that the sharpness of class struggle may be lessened only after the socialist development wins series of victories cutting the ground from under the feet of the exploiting classes , but the class struggle must continue , sharply , till then . They supported and danced to the tunes of the reactionaries . The Bolshevik Party under the leadership of Stalin waged the sharpest and unrelenting struggles against all these factions inside the party and advanced the socialist revolution .
After the death of Lenin in 1924 , the counter reactionary forces and traitors in the party intensified their attacks in all the above four stages . Stalin was attacked and is still being vilified by some because either they failed to understand the principle of dictatorship of the proletariat or because of their opposition to it . It is true that Stalin was partisan to the working class and led the dictatorship of the proletariat . He was harsh towards the oppressors , kulaks and the capitalists . But , he took the Russian socialist revolution forward . He extended all out help to the victory of revolutions in East European and Asian countries . He inflicted a death blow to Hitler ’ s Fascism in the Second World War and helped the establishment of proletarian rule in many countries . Stalin ’ s efforts as the leader of the Russian Communist Party ( Bolshevik ) and as the torch bearer of socialist revolution not only helped in the spread of Marxism-Leninism but also to its enrichment . Five : After the death of Stalin , the capitalist bloc and the followers of Trotskyist , Zinoviev and Bukharin like Khrushchev , who were disparately waiting , started attacking Stalin and thereby attacking Marxism . Even after 40 years of the proletarian state , after assuming that socialism has won , the capitalist roaders started attacking the communist ideals . That means class struggle has not yet come to an end . Marxism- Leninism teaches us that the struggle within the party and the communist movement reflects the struggle in the society , outside the party , between various ideas , ideologies and politics . As long as Lenin and Stalin led the party there was a firm struggle against alien ideologies . When the forces which can carry on such a struggle got weakened and the weaknesses like vacillations in practice have manifested in the Soviet Communist Party weakened , the jackals like Khrushchev started gaining an upper hand .
Stalin is too is not above mistakes . For that matter even Marx , Engels and Lenin are not . But they either identified their mistakes and corrected themselves or followed the method of identifying mistakes through discussions in the party committees , with party ranks and in the course of people ’ s movements and corrected them . It is too treacherous to make Stalin responsible for the mistakes and attack or underplay all the victories under his leadership . Only a Capitalist roader like Khrushchev , his masters and his present disciples can indulge in such heinous acts and betray the cause of World Proletarian Revolution .
Under Gorbachev , the heir of capitalist adherents like Khrushchev and Brezhnev , the Russian system
Class Struggle