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The suppression continued and intensified . Many prominent Bolshevik leaders were arrested . An arrest warrant was issued in the name of Lenin . At the same time , the Dual Power came to an end by placing the bourgeois in power . The Mensheviks , Socialist Revolutionaries together with the Soviets led by them became an appendage to the provisional govt . The peaceful period ended . Bayonet was placed on the agenda . October Socialist Revolution
The Sixth Congress of the Bolshevik Party held in July-August , 1917 had decided for an armed uprising . The Manifesto it adopted called upon the workers , soldiers and peasants to : “ Prepare , then , for new battles , Comrades-in-arms ! Staunchly , manfully and calmly , without yielding to provocation , muster your forces and form your fighting columns ! Rally under the banner of the Party , proletarians and soldiers ! Rally under our banner , downtrodden of the villages !”
Fearing the possibility of being swept away by the great revolutionary upsurge , the bourgeois , counter revolutionary and compromising parties and forces had acted , each in their own way , and in coordination to brutally suppress the masses , Bolshevik and other revolutionary organisations . But the revolutionary upsurge of workers , soldiers had grown irresistible . Surging tide of revolution had posed the question in clear and unmistakable words to every party , every leader and every individual : Will you join the stream of peoples ’ revolution or stand against it and get swept away by it ? The parties , including the compromising parties like the Mensheviks and Socialist revolutionaries stood disintegrated , split and polarised . Many , including Kerensky , turned to the Bolsheviks for protection . Kornilov , who sought to revolt against the revolution , was crushed . General Krymov had committed suicide . Others were arrested . The September-October of 1917 saw a tremendous rise in the peasant revolts and the seizure of landlords landed estates . Most of the Soviets had come under the leadership of the Bolsheviks . It was a festival of revolution ! The slogan , “ All powers to the Soviets ” became order of the day . The millions of armed workers , soldiers and sailors led by the proletariat and the Bolshevik party had inflicted a final and crushing blow on the old system . On October 25 th ( November 7 ), 1917 , the bourgeois provisional govt . was proclaimed as “ deposed ” and the State power as passed into the hands of Soviets .
The Second Congress of Soviets had proclaimed the taking over of power . On the next day , it passed : The Decree of peace : It called for an immediate end of war and armistice ; the Decree on Land : It abolished the landlord ownership of the land forthwith without
November - 2017 compensation ; declared all the mineral resources like oil , coal , ores , etc ., forests and waters as the property of the people and the First Soviet Government- The Council of Peoples ’ Commissars- with Lenin as the Chairman , all Bolsheviks , Stalin included , was formed . Let us Learn from the Great October Socialist Revolution
The Russian people led by Lenin and the Bolshevik Party made a History , turned the world ruled by the exploiting classes upside down and heralded earth shaking and revolutionary changes in the entire world .
Lenin agreed that Russia was a peasant country and “ one of the most backw ard of European Countries ”. But at the same time , “ not its special qualities , but rather the special conjuncture of historical circumstances that for a certain , perhaps very short time , has made the Proletariat of Russia the vanguard of the revolutionary proletariat of the whole world ”. The RussianProletariat led by Lenin dared to perform this historic revolutionary role .
The History of the CPSU ( B ) has thus correctly summed up : “ Only a party like the Bolshevik Party , courageous enough to lead the people in a decisive attack , cautious enough to steer clear all the submerged rocks in its path to the goal , could so skilfully merge into one common revolutionary torrent such diverse revolutionary movements as the general democratic movement for the seizure of landed estates , the movement of oppressed nationalities for national liberation and national equality , and the socialist movement of the proletariat for the overthrow of the bourgeois and the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat ”.
For the Communists , the revolution means a fundamental change in the social system . Marxism Leninism teaches us : i ) “ The key question of any revolution is undoubtedly the question of state power . Which class holds the power decides everything ”; ii ) People are the makers of History . Any deviation from this principle and any attempt to replace the revolutionary role of the people by any heroic and adventurist acts of a few or a magical act are bound to fail ; iii ) The Proletariat must assume the leadership of the revolution in order to make the revolution a thoroughgoing and culminate it in victory . So , the building of a Party of Bolshevik type is the essential pre-requisite for the success of revolution . These are fundamental for every revolution led by the Communist Party .
Let us hail the0 Great October Socialist Revolution to : Uphold and learn from it ; Apply and translate the Leninist teachings into practice ; Advance the New Democratic Revolution in India and march towards Socialist Revolution .
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