Classic Chev Magazine ( September 2014 ) ( September 2014 ) | Page 6

By: lArabellal

A lot of people live in their own world, but with technology advances and brilliant minds, it's becoming easier and easier to really live outside of reality. There are so many ways to do this, however, in one way or another, there is always one word I hear pop up the most. Role-playing. What is it you ask? Well, that’s easy to answer. Role-playing refers to changing your own behaviour to adapt to a certain role, in terms of amusement, this can mean, acting as a created or already existing character. I won't lie, role-playing does take some practice, it takes time to get to know the rules of the “game” you are playing, and like anything, over time, you will get better and better at it, and it can be a really fun experience for everyone involved. Depending on the kind of role-playing you are participating in and what medium you use, really determines the level of difficulty. There is different kinds of role-playing? Why yes, yes there is!

There is live action role-playing and with this there comes so many varieties. From a young age, everyone will have done some kind of role-playing at some point in time. When you are little you played make believe, you play Doctors, you play Cops, some of you might have even adopted other role's like Princesses or dragons. At some point, you stop playing make believe and the role-playing might turn into training exercises, like what you would do at schools. Then there is the people who go on to re-enact war scenes, like the Civil war, or even movie scenes from movie such as Lord of the Ring and Harry Potter.