City Services Satisfaction Survey 2014 City Services Satisfaction Survey | Page 19

Fire Department Services Contacted the Fire Department for Services in Past 12 Months February 2014 February 2015 15% 12% Previous Score (Feb. 2014) 89% 99%* 87% 77% Question: Copyright © 2015 Decision Analyst Base: Statistical Note: Q11x. If you have had contact with the Fire Department over the past 12 months, what was the nature of the service? Q11a. Now, thinking about fire services that the City provides, please rate each of the following. (4-point scale, Excellent to Poor) Q11. And thinking about any services and facilities that the City provides, please rate each of the following services and facilities you have used or visited in the past 12 months. (4-point scale, Excellent to Poor) Respondents who have used Fire Services in the past 12 months, excluding “don’t know” (base varies) An asterisk (*) indicates a significant difference between waves at or above the 95% confidence level. 19