City Services Satisfaction Survey 2012 City Services Satisfaction Survey | Page 37

Ratings of Police Services by Users Excellent Quality of Service 37 Overall Competence of Police Employees 38 Behavior/Attitude of Police Officers Good 38 42 43 Timeliness of Service 33 30 0 40 75 68 40 20 80 32 34 Comm. Ed. Svcs. by P.D. 75 70 60 80 100 Percent Question: Q11d. “Now, thinking about police services that the City provides, please rate each of the following, using a scale of “excellent,” “good,” “fair,” and “poor.” Base: Respondents who have used Police Services in the past 12 months, excluding “don’t knows.” (Base Varies) Note: This question asked beginning in 2010. Decision Analyst, Inc. 37