City Services Satisfaction Survey 2012 City Services Satisfaction Survey | Page 115

Q30. What is your ethnic background? {Choose One Answer} SR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 African American or Black American Indian Asian or Pacific Islander Caucasian or White Hispanic or Latin American Multi-ethnic Other ethnic background Don’t know/No answer Q30a. (ASK IF NOT CODE 5, HISPANIC/LATINO, IN Q30; OTHERWISE AUTOPUNCH CODE 1 AND SKIP TO END) Regardless of any other ancestry, and regardless of how many generations back it may be, do you consider yourself to be, at least somewhat, of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin? {Choose One Answer} SR 1 2 Yes No S URVEY C OMPLETED ! Thanks for completing this survey. Your answers and personal information are private, protected, and secure. Thanks again for your help! Kim Probasco City of Arlington Study #110528 23