City Services Satisfaction Survey 2012 City Services Satisfaction Survey | Page 101

Q11aY. In the past 12 months, have you or anyone in your household used ambulance services or emergency medical services? {Choose One Answer} SR 1 2 3 Yes No Don’t know/No answer Q11b. (ASK IF CODE 1, YES, IN Q11aY; OTHERWISE SKIP TO Q11bX) Now, thinking about ambulance services or emergency medical services that the City provides, please rate each of the following. {Choose One Answer For Each Row} SG Excellent a. b. Quality of service ........................................ 1 Timeliness of service .................................. 1 Good Fair Poor Don’t Know 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 Q11bX. Whether or not you’ve had direct contact or experience with ambulance services or emergency medical services in the City, how would you rate the quality of ambulance services or emergency medical services in the City? {Choose One Answer} SR 1 2 3 4 5 Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know/No answer Study #110528 9