City Services Satisfaction Survey 2011 City Services Satisfaction Survey | Page 7

Below is a summary of each city service. Fire Department. Virtually all of the users rate the fire department as “excellent” or “good” on quality of service and on timeliness of service. Consistent with the past years, rating of community education services by the fire department (85%) is comparatively lower than ratings of fire services, but still viewed positively among citizens. Ambulance/Emergency Medical Services. Among users in the past 12 months, ambulance and emergency medical services are rated very high on quality of service and timeliness of service. Police Department. Among users in the past 12 months, the police department is rated moderately high in terms of quality and timeliness of services, with indication of room for improvements. Parks/Recreation Facilities. Residents in Arlington perceive the overall quality of parks and recreation facilities very positively, with top-two-box ratings of all attributes at 80% or higher. Rating of the range of activities has increased significantly from 80% in 2009 to 88% in 2010. Library Services/Facilities. Among users in the past 12 months, library services and facilities in Arlington continue to be rated very high, with top-two-box ratings of all attributes at 85% or higher. However, it is notable that rating of library facilities has declined significantly from 98% in 2009 to 94% in 2010. Community Services. Among users in the past 12 months, quality of customer service (84%) is rated high, while timeliness of service (77%) indicates room for some improvements. Planning Department Services. Most likely due to the low use of the community planning and development services, ratings of the planning department indicate much room for improvement, in general. Specifically, timeliness of plan review and quality of customer service are the areas with relatively low top-two-box ratings under 70%. Decision Analyst, Inc. 7