City Services Satisfaction Survey 2011 City Services Satisfaction Survey | Page 6

Overall sense of safety in neighborhoods and in Arlington appears to be positive in general. Neighborhoods in Arlington continue to be rated very safe for walking alone during the day (very safe 66% or somewhat safe 28%), though much lower at night.  It is notable that the safety rating of business areas during the day has improved significantly from 89% top-two-box rating in 2009 to 95% in 2010, about the same level of safety in neighborhoods. Consistent with last year, the vast majority of residents report that neither they, nor anyone in their household, have been a victim of any crime in the past 12 months.  Most of those who are crime victims are likely to report the crime to the police. Ratings And Perceptions Of Specific Services And Facilities Most city services in Arlington receive high overall ratings. About two-thirds of city services rated receive a top-two-box rating (“good” or “excellent”) of 80% or higher. Fire services, ambulance/emergency medical services, parks and recreation facilities, and libraries are rated very high, with top-two-box ratings above 90%. Compared to the other high-performing services, code enforcement, Handitran, health inspection, and community planning and development appear to have some room for improvement, with overall ratings under 70%. There are some notable changes from the last wave.   Rating of the range of parks/recreations activities has increased significantly from 80% in 2009 to 88% in 2010. Although overall rating level is very high, rating of library facilities has declined significantly from 98% in 2009 to 94% in 2010. Streets in Arlington continue to be perceived generally as an area where there is much room for improvement. Some of the most needed areas for improvement include road work/street repair services, overall condition of streets and roads, traffic signal timing, and management of traffic flow (including traffic flow in the Entertainment District and management of traffic on the major thoroughfares during peak times). Decision Analyst, Inc. 6