City Services Satisfaction Survey 2005 City Services Satisfaction Survey | Page 22

Summary Of What Would Improve Quality Of Life — Arlington Overall Vs. Neighborhood (Open-End — Most Frequent Responses) (Base: Respondents Who Rated Below “Excellent”) Arlington Overall (339) Street/Roads/Traffic (Net) Improve roads/streets Traffic issues 33% 24 11 Public transportation 25 Economy/development issues 17 Neighborhoods/community 11 Safety/police 10 Improve schools/more school support 9 (Base: Respondents Who Rated Below “Excellent”) Neighbor- hood (293) Street/Roads/Traffic (Net) Improve roads/streets Traffic issues Pedestrian/bike improvements 31% 15 9 8 Neighborhoods/Community (Net) Neighborhood/community appearance/aesthetics Good neighborhoods/ sense of community 19 More police/less crime (enhance safety) 18 12 7 Misc. services/amenities 9 Improve bus/transit services/public transportation 4 Economy/development issues 4 Question: “What can you think or that would improve the quality of life in Arlington?” “What can you think or that would improve the quality of life in your neighborhood?” Decision Analyst, Inc. 22