CIS 336 STUDY Career Begins/ CIS 336 STUDY Career Begins/ | Page 89

any order , then determine the item number associated with it , then display the artist .
9 . Display the total sales by artist : show artist name , total . Sort highest to lowest .
10 . USE A SUBQUERY to Increase price of all items by „ No Rest for the Weary ‟ by 10 %. If working in MySQl you will need to disable safe mode . Show prices before and after . Rollback after .
11 . USE A SUBQUERY to display names of customers that have unshipped orders .
12 . Display the total amount of sales made to customers in NY
13 . USE A SUBQUERY to list the items ( title and artist ) of items that have never been ordered
14 . Show the order history for Samuel Jacobsen . Display the order id , order date , ship date , and total .
15 . Show the total amount of sales per sales rep . Display the employee name as a single field along with the total sales , sorted by highest to lowest sales .
This is the end of Lab 6 . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------