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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIS 336 Week 5 Quiz ( New ) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www . cis336study . com
Question 3 . ( TCO 7 ) Based upon the contents of the BOOKS table shown below , which of the following is a valid SQL statement ?
Question 4 . ( TCO 7 ) Which of the following operators would be most appropriate to determine whether or not the retail price of a book is at least $ 24.00 ?
Question 5 . ( TCO 7 ) Based upon the contents of the BOOK _ ORDER table shown below , which of the following SQL statements will list all orders placed by customer # 1020 that have not yet been shipped ?
Question 6 . ( TCO 7 ) Based upon the contents of the BOOK _ ORDER table shown below , which of the following queries will display all orders shipped between April 4 , 2003 and April 5 , 2003 ?
Question 7 . (( TCO 7 ) The ____ comparison operator is used to search for values that are not NULL .
Question 8 . ( TCO 7 ) You want to write a SQL query that lists all employees in the EMP table whose last names in the EMP _ LNAME column start with Smith , including values such as Smithfield . What is the correct statement ?

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIS 336 Week 5 Quiz ( New ) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www . cis336study . com