CIS 336 STUDY Career Begins/ CIS 336 STUDY Career Begins/ | Page 62

unit _ price : 12.95
Show your INSERT statement along with the results of the following SELECT query to verify that the insert worked correctly .
select * from items where item _ id > 10 ;
13 . Create a statement to update the record inserted in the previous step to change the unit price of this item to 7.95 .
item _ id : 11 title : Ode To My ERD artist : 15 unit _ price : 7.95
Show your UPDATE statement along with the results of the following SELECT query to verify that the insert worked correctly .
select * from items where item _ id > 10 ;
14 . Create a statement to delete the entire record that was inserted and then updated in the previous steps .
Show your DELETE statement along with the results of the following SELECT query to verify that the insert worked correctly .
select * from items where item _ id > 10 ;
15 . Using the SUBSTRING and CONCAT functions , write a query to display each customer name as a single field in the format ― Jones , Tom ‖ with a heading of Customer along with the customer _ phone field in a nicely formatted calculated column named Phone . For example , a record containing the customer _ phone value 6145535443