CIS 336 STUDY Career Begins/ CIS 336 STUDY Career Begins/ | Page 51

the data was populated . Please use exactly the data provided , without addition , deletion , or alteration
except as directed , as your results may be evaluated against expected results generated using this exact
data set . Narrative / Case Study
For this lab , you will be creating SQL statements to build a series of relational tables , using SQL CREATE
statements in a script file format for the Student Database . You will then populate those tables through
the use of INSERT statements with sample data .
You will need to create a script file and name it YourName _ Lab3 . txt containing the following code .
1 . The drop table statements listed later in the specifications of this lab . 2 . The CREATE TABLE statements required to build the six tables . 3 . The INSERT statements necessary to insert all of the sample data .
4 . Six select statements to verify that the data is in the tables and accessible .
To help you accomplish this task successfully , you are being supplied with the ERD Diagram which
follows , and the exact data to be inserted into each table , which may be found via the Doc Sharing tab
on the course website .