CIS 336 STUDY Career Begins/ CIS 336 STUDY Career Begins/ | Page 46

below . The attribute list may not be complete . If you determine that additional attributes are needed to better define an entity , then you should add them .
Entities Attributes and Relationships for University Medical Center ( Parallel Lab Exercise ):
Entity Attributes Relationships
HealthcareWorkerHealthcareWorkerID , LastName , FirstName , SSN , Address , City , State , Zip , Phone Number , HealthcareWorkerTypeID A healthcare worker can belong to any one of the three job categories , but can belong to one and only one of the three . healthcare worker has names and other contact information .
HealthcareWorkerTypeHealthcareWorkerTypeID , HealthcareWorkerTypeDesc , HourlyBillingRate A healthcare worker can be either a physician ( diagnoses , prescribes medication ), nurse ( provides physician-ordered treatments , administers medications ), or a pharmacist ( dispenses , delivers medication ).
ClinicLogClinicLogID , ClinicID , Login , Logout , HealthcareWorkerID Patients may be treated by a healthcare worker at a clinic and can be tracked by the clinic log number . A healthcare worker must sign into the clinic before he or she can serve patients , and must sign out when finished treating patients at that clinic . A healthcare worker may serve portions of a shift at more than one clinic .
Clinic ClinicID , ClinicLocationDesc , AMAAccredNum The hospital operates three clinical facilities : General Hospital , Midtown Clinic , and Urgent Care .
InHomeCareInHomeCareID , HealthcareWorkerID , PrescriptionID , DepartTime , ReturnTime . Relates to both the healthcare worker and