CIS 336 STUDY Career Begins/ CIS 336 STUDY Career Begins/ | Page 44

being asked to model . There is a table that lists the entities ( tables ) that will be needed for the database and related attributes ( columns ) for each entity . There is also a column that lists specific information about the entity that will be helpful in determining its relationship to other entities within the model .
Be sure to include the minimum and maximum occurrences of each relationship ( cardinality ) and to supply a name to the relationship that will work in both directions . Make sure to use Crow ‘ s Feet notation in your ERD .
Narrative / Case Study
The University Medical Center is a small , community hospital . A new hospital administrator has recently been hired by the Board of Directors , and directed to right-size patient care and pharmacy services and improve profitability . The hospital operates three clinical facilities : the main hospital , a mid-town clinic , and an Urgent Care location . The hospital also offers selected in-home care services . Many of the patients are repeat or regular patients who receive regular treatment for various conditions , and many utilize the hospital ‘ s pharmacy services for prescription medications .
The pharmacy dispenses about 3,000 different prescription medications of various kinds . Every prescription is associated with one patient , and is logged by the dispensing clinic . The new administrator wants to know which drugs are most prescribed , and also which are the most profitable .
The following is some general information about the organization and its current processes .
• The hospital operates three clinical facilities .