CIS 336 STUDY Career Begins/ CIS 336 STUDY Career Begins/ | Page 24

6 . ( TCO 9 ) Which of the following is not a valid SQL command ? ( Points : 4 )
UPDATE acctmanager SET WHERE ; UPDATE acctmanager SET ( amname ); UPDATE acctmanager SET ( amname ) WHERE ; UPDATE acctmanager WHERE ;
7 . ( TCO 9 ) Using the promotion table shown below , which of the following SQL statements will insert a new row into the PROMOTION table ? ( Points : 4 )
INSERT INTO promotion ( gift , minretail , maxretail ) VALUES ( FREE BOOK , 75.01 , 89.99 ); INSERT INTO promotion ( gift , minretail , maxretail ) VALUES (' FREE BOOK ', 75.01 , 89.99 );
INSERT INTO promotion VALUES ( FREE BOOK , 75.01 , 89.99 );
INSERT INTO promotion ( gift , minretail )


6 . ( TCO 9 ) Which of the following is not a valid SQL command ? ( Points : 4 )

UPDATE acctmanager SET WHERE ; UPDATE acctmanager SET ( amname ); UPDATE acctmanager SET ( amname ) WHERE ; UPDATE acctmanager WHERE ;

7 . ( TCO 9 ) Using the promotion table shown below , which of the following SQL statements will insert a new row into the PROMOTION table ? ( Points : 4 )

INSERT INTO promotion ( gift , minretail , maxretail ) VALUES ( FREE BOOK , 75.01 , 89.99 ); INSERT INTO promotion ( gift , minretail , maxretail ) VALUES (' FREE BOOK ', 75.01 , 89.99 );

INSERT INTO promotion VALUES ( FREE BOOK , 75.01 , 89.99 );

INSERT INTO promotion ( gift , minretail )