CIS 115 Final Exam 2 CIS 115 Final Exam 2 | Page 7

Declare String color2 Declare String control1 Declare String control2 _____ “Enter first primary color: “ Input _____ Prompt “Enter the second primary color: “ Input _____ Set control1 = “n” DOWHILE control1 = “n” If (color1 <> “yellow”) _____ (color1 <> “red”) _____ (color1 <> “blue”) then Prompt “first primary color is invalid” Input _____ Else Set control1 = “y” ENDO Set control2 = “n” DOWHILE control2 = “n” If (color2 <> “yellow”) _____ (color2 <> “red”) _____ (color2 <> “blue”) then Prompt “second primary color is invalid” Input color2 Else Set control2 = “y” ENDO If (color1 = “red”) AND (_____) then