Cider Mag October 2013 | Page 25

issue 36 working_Layout 1 10/2/2013 10:45 PM Page 25 happened to coincide with an online petition launched by one of our many human followers to have GWAR play the halftime show of the Super Bowl in 2015. Now this has got me even more confused…one of the many points of GWAR's existence is to inflict torture and misery upon you, so why would I want to change the halftime show? What could be more torturous than having to endure another agonizing performance from the latest prefab pop star right in the middle of a game you have waited all year for? Play the Super Bowl halftime show? Forget it! But to actually play in the game…now that's something I could get behind! So I am formally challenging the entire N.F.L. to a game of this so called "Super Bowl"…you can use every team, coach, and cheerleader against us and our slaves, winner take take all, and when I say all I mean a large wad of used bandaids collected from old folks homes through out the upper-midwest-coast-lake region of Outer Mongolia. There would be some rule changes as well…the men must play nude and blindfolded, and they can use whatever weapons they desire, as long as these weapons are medieval in design…no guns allowed, and battle axes are preferred. The field will be littered with land mines, and trained whalers will hurl poisoned harpoons every time there is a penalty for "unnecessary touching". What could be more entertaining than witnessing a never-ending succession of idiotic athletes and their bloated idiotic athletes and their bloated entourages being ground into bloody pulp in the gaping gears of our murderous meat-grinder? Possibly, just possibly, Woody Allen being ripped apart by starving feral hogs…hell, just make THAT the halftime show. Now that's entertainment! Bring back the old ways, the ways of the rack, and the block and the hammer and tongs! Let the end zone be filled with the crucified dead as swarms of rabid animals are released…Strike a blow for the forces of eldritch hatred and sign this petition at the-national-football-league-allowgwar-to-perform-the-2015-superbowl-halftime-show. OK, we’re back on board. We’ll see if this technological wonder known as the “dictate” button helps me keep my deadlines. Such wonders the machines give us. Just wait until they rise against you, and turn your flesh into ash. Until we meet again it is Oderus, Master of Earth, signing off with reminders of your inhere ???\??\??[????T??&\?X]?\???Z[?[??H?[?]\???????[??K????]][??K[?][?[ Y????[ [XY?YKX[??Y??\?]?\???K]KL? MK\?\\?X??? Z[?[YK\????