Ciao Apr/May 2018 CIAO_AprMay2018_Digital | Page 42

Classic Italian Dining for Your Group :LQQLSHJ·VIDYRXULWH,WDOLDQFXLVLQH LVEHVWZKHQVKDUHGZLWK\RXU QHDUHVWDQGGHDUHVW &R]\SULYDWHGLQLQJURRPV ‡0DLQIORRUXSWRJXHVWV‡/D%RFDORIWXSWRJXHVWV ',1(,1‡&$7(5,1*‡'(/,9(5< 0DULRQ6WUHHW  ZZZSDVTXDOHVUHVWFRP bestlist The Forks Market 1 Forks Market Rd. The stylish hub offers casual dining options centred around The Common, which serves local beer and wine on tap., WA, LP, A, IA, M, V Kawaii Crepe 201-99 Osborne St, 204-415-2833; 1220 St Mary's Rd, 204-691-3700; 4-1385 McPhillips St, 204-694-0986. Winnipeg’s first Japanese crêpe joint serves freshly prepared sweet and savoury crêpes in a modern atmosphere. IA, M, V King + Bannatyne 4-100 King St, 204