Churchnet February 2015 | Page 11

Guatemalan Blessings

by Bob Perry, Churchnet Congregational Health Team Leader

I have had the privilege of visiting Guatemala three times during our partnership with them, and Marilyn was able to go with me two of those. Each trip has been a blessing, and our interactions with Guatemalan Baptists have been moving and challenging. They show a genuine love for the Lord in sometimes difficult circumstances.

We have visited Tabitha Ministry and its impressive work among the very poor who live at the landfill. Our Guatemalan brothers and sisters have been extremely responsive and grateful for the investment Churchnet has made in their work. Gary Snowden may soon be nominated for sainthood he is so loved by the people of Quetzaltenango.

Our partnership has been a direct response to the needs and hopes of the Guatemalans, rather than some agenda we have determined. I am proud to have been involved in encouraging the indigenous work taking place in Guatemala.

Volcán Atitlán and Volcán Tolimán behind Lake Atitlán.