Church on the Green Newsletter October 2017 | Page 4


The pledge (no matter the amount) is important, because there will be weeks and months when I think: “Uh-oh. It’s a bit of a struggle to meet my pledge.” That’s exactly the moment when I have to choose relationship with God and with you in my church, above whatever was pulling me away from you and God.

That’s why, when we ask you to pledge, we often say: “Pledge just enough that it feels like you’re really working towards it, and you’re working towards your relationship with God and with us.”

Doug and I are about to celebrate our wedding anniversary. October 5, Doug and I will have been married 13 years. There has not one day that I have been sorry that we decided to make that commitment to each other — and to sign that paper that says, “We are connected. We are claiming it in front of the whole world.” We made those vows to love, honor, cherish. I’m not sorry about that one bit.

On September 17, I joined First Church of Christ, Longmeadow. I made a pledge to offer my time, my talent, and my treasure. I know that 13 years from that day, I will be able to say the same thing about my membership in this church that I said about my wedding with Doug: God has been present, it’s been a really good partnership, a wonderfully challenging adventure, and a path of growth and connection. And I’m not sorry!

If you are already a member, congratulations. If not, please consider what it can do for you spiritually to join, to pledge your time, talent, and treasure. Will you invite God’s grace into your relationship with First Church?

— Pastor Pam

Join the New Neighbors Team

Would you like to be a part of the First Church Invitation Team? Our team's name is New Neighbors.

Each month we get the names and addresses of people moving into a new home in Longmeadow from a service called Neighbor to Neighbor. Our team members write a letter to new residents, welcoming them to the community and providing information about all of the churches in town, including ours. Our team member chooses to follow up with other helpful information.

Please call Stew Creelman, 754 3025, if you'd like to consider serving with us in this important ministry.