Church Executive CONTINUING EDUCATION | Page 8

NeighborHOOD. SisterHOOD. BrotherHOOD. We are HOOD. Hood Theological Seminary is a graduate and professional school that provides theological preparation for effective ministry in a diverse society. Our programs can help you to pastor a local congregation, serve in a specialized ministry such as Christian Education or Counseling, explore theological questions for personal enrichment, lay a foundation for a PhD program elsewhere, or retool yourself for more senior church leadership. Academics The Seminary offers three graduate degree programs, one of which is directed toward practice in the ordained ministry of word, sacraments, and order. Another provides flexible theological education for purposes other than the ordained ministry. The third provides preparation for the attainment of the highest degree in the practice of ministry. Each of these programs accentuates a ministry to the total person and seeks to foster a dynamic relationship among the many disciplines and competencies that undergird effective Christian ministry. • Master of Divinity • Master of Theological Studies • Doctor of Ministry AFFORDABLE TUITION, SMALL CLASS SIZE, Gifted Faculty DIVERSE, SPIRIT-FILLED Community FLEXIBLE SCHEDULES FOR Working Professionals > Request information > Apply online > Check out Hood Seminary on Twitter and Facebook 8 CHURCH EXECUTIVE • C o n t i n u i n g E d u c a t i o n – H o o d T h e o l o g i c a l S e m i n a r y