Christian Review Magazine Issue 4 - April 2015 | Page 81

L ong before the infamous Noah movie by Darren Aronofsky came out, there was the Biblical fantasy novel, Noah Primeval, a rip-roaring action adventure about a world immersed in evil, and the one man and family who would survive its cataclysmic judgment of water. But this retelling of the story of the famous Biblical patriarch featured something never done before. It incorporated the controversial Scriptural revelation about the divine Sons of God and the Nephilim giants of Genesis 6:1-4. It also included a view behind the veil of spiritual warfare between the satanic Seed of the Serpent and the messianic Seed of Eve, prophesied in the Garden (Gen 3:15). through the eyes of Biblical action heroes, like Enoch, Abraham, Joshua, Caleb and David. Noah Primeval quickly rose to bestseller status in the Amazon Biblical Fiction category. Over the next three years, it grew to a series of eight books called Chronicles of the Nephilim, a saga that charts the rise and fall of the Nephilim giants of Genesis 6 throughout the Bible, and just what their place is in the evil plans of the fallen angelic Sons of God called, “The Watchers.” The fallen members of God’s heavenly host will stop at nothing to win their war as the Seed of the Serpent against the Seed of Eve. Their diabolical plan starts in the days of Enoch and continues on through the Bible until the arrival of the Messiah himself: Jesus. As author of the series, my goal was simple: novelize all the stories of the Bible where the Nephilim and Watchers show up. And to do so The second book in the series, Enoch Primordial, is a prequel to Noah Primeval that tells the forgotten story of the original descent of the Watchers on Mount Hermon and CHRISTIANREVIEW.COM > 81