CHP Magazines Summer 2020-17 | Page 24

BEYOND BRAVE As I sit down to write our summer magazine I look outside at what should normally be a beautiful clear blue sky, but in its place there is an eerie thick smoky haze blanketing the skyline. I am listening to news reports telling anyone with respiratory conditions to stay indoors, and other reports stating our air quality is currently the worst in the world! It beggars belief that some of these fires have been deliberately started, it makes absolutely no sense. Our amazing fire fighters answer the call whether the fire is started by an idiot with a match or by the wrath of Mother Nature. (Don’t get me started on global warming!) Whilst everyone else is fleeing the flames our fire-fighters are charging into them to save lives, homes and wildlife. These courageous men and women experience the highs and lows of life on a daily basis and witness things the rest of us couldn’t possibly imagine. Fire-fighters know that no fire is predictable, and no day on the job is ordinary. They don’t know what heartache or danger they will face when they rush to a call. Will they discover a severely burned child curled up in the corner of a charred bedroom? Will they save a life or recover a body? Will they get hugs of thanks from grateful survivors or give hugs of condolences to victim’s relatives? Their day to day work may not make the news, or the front page, or earn them a medal or even a simple thank you, but, you can bet these dedicated men and women will be putting on their steel capped boots tomorrow ready to plunge through a wall of flames when needed because that’s who they are and that is what they do. The scale and ferocity of bushfires sweeping NSW and Queensland is testing the resources of fire-fighters, charities, and animal rescue groups. Many have issued public pleas for financial help, warning of a worsening bushfire threat and a long road to recovery for affected communities. Most organisations are calling for financial donations - rather than donated goods - to help them best meet the varying needs of victims. A few editions ago I wrote about the devastation of the floods, and today it is the extreme opposite. But we all need to do what we can to help, so please as we enter the season of giving, please donate to any of the various charities helping our communities that have been devastated from these fires.