China Directory Best of the USA Directory 2017-2018 | Page 3

各位朋友,你们好! NTA美国全国旅游协会的核心价值观是合作、专业和创新。我们的会 员非常重视通过NTA所建立的专业合作关系以及友谊。这些联系与合作伙 伴关系,也是NTA的本质所在。 NTA的中国入境管理项目是本协会67年来最重要的动议之一,而且将 继续成为我们的工作重点之一。2016年,中国成为美国旅游出口的最大消 费客源市场,297万中国游客给美国带来了350亿美元的旅游消费。 NTA美国全国旅游协会总裁 潘尹曼 NTA将继续保持在中国入境美国旅游市场的牵头作用。我们会举办 多项业界活动、参加中美旅游高层对话、组织两国目的地的考察团。我们 还将通过一系列新的项目和工具促进美中两国之间旅游界更多的交流和联 系。 本目录将协助您查寻新产品、鲜为人知的目的地与充满创意的合作 者;也能帮助您和那些曾为您带来成功与乐趣的合作伙伴们再建联系、共 创新高。 我们的团队随时为您服务。敬请随时告之我们可以怎样帮助您为您的 客户们提供最佳体验。 携手,我们走得更远! 致以诚挚的谢意 NTA中国市场服务总监 王琳 Ni Hao, The core values of the National Tour Association—collaboration, professionalism and innovation—reflect our association’s culture. Our members value the professional and personal relationships they form through NTA; it’s those connections and partnerships that truly make NTA what it is. NTA’s China Inbound Program has become one of the most important initiatives that our 67-year-old association has ever engaged in, and it will continue to be a priority. In 2016, China became the top market for U.S. tourism exports, with 2.97 million Chinese travelers visiting the United States and spending $35 billion. NTA continues its leading role in China inbound tourism to the United States. We actively participate in special events, leadership summits and Fam tours. We will also develop more programs and tools to help form more U.S. and China connections. This directory is your guide to finding new product, unique destinations and creative partnerships, all of which play a role in making your group trips successful and fun. Our team is ready to serve you. Let us know how we can assist you in providing the best possible experience for you and your clients. Together. We go further. Xie, Xie, Pam Inman, IOM, CAE, CMHS NTA President Lin Wang Director, China Market Services THE BEST OF THE USA DIRECTORY 2017–2018 1