China Directory Best of the USA Directory 2017-2018 | Page 29

3 美国最著名的地标之一,史诗般 的南达科他州的拉什莫尔山雕刻 着四位美国总统的面孔。 One of America’s most well-known landmarks, South Dakota’s Mount Rushmore is a giant carving that includes the faces of four U.S. presidents. Groups can take a ride in a Ford SDTOURISM.COM 3 4 在密歇根州底特律附近的亨利福特 景点,游客可以乘坐美国汽车的先 驱老爷车福特T型车。 Model T, which pioneered automobile travel in the United States, at The Henry Ford attraction near Detroit, Michigan. 4 THE BEST OF THE USA DIRECTORY 2017–2018 27