China Directory Best of the USA Directory 2017-2018 | Page 27

5 佛罗里达州以棕榈树和明媚的阳光 而闻名,众多美丽的海滩比如好莱 坞海滩是海滩爱好者的理想选择。 6 MATTHEW 5 The experience of a lifetime! Palm trees and sunshine are two of the things Florida is known for, and places such as Hollywood Beach in Fort Lauderdale are perfect for beach lovers. 6 乘坐浮船游览沼泽可以让游客了解 路易斯安那州的卡真文化。 Swamp tours on pontoon boats help visitors learn about Louisiana’s Cajun culture. 汤姆·怀特 国际销售总监 [email protected] 电话: 1-256-721-7124 微信: SpaceCampTom THE BEST OF THE USA DIRECTORY 2017–2018 25