China Directory Best of the USA Directory 2017-2018 | Page 24

东南部地区 Southeast 参观美国东南部地区的游 客多会流连于墨西哥湾和 大西洋岸边的沙滩。除了 享受沿海城镇的魅力外, 东南部地区可圈可点的地 方不胜枚举, 包括佛罗里 达州的主题公园、路易斯 安那州的美味佳肴、肯塔 基州的赛马、田纳西州的 现场音乐表演以及大烟山 国家公园的自然美景。 The sandy beaches along the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean are popular with groups who visit the Southeast United States. In addition to enjoying the charm of towns along the coast, there are many things to experience in the Southeast, including theme parks in Florida, great food in Louisiana, horse racing in Kentucky, live music in Tennessee and natural beauty in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. 1 1 游客乘坐游船游览港口,并了解更 多乔治亚州萨凡纳市丰富的历史。 Groups can learn about the rich history of Savannah, Georgia, as part of boat tours around the city’s harbor. 2 22 美国最佳 2017–2018目录 2 肯塔基州拥有丰富的波旁酿酒传 统,路易斯维尔和列克星敦附近的 许多酿酒厂都提供观光游和波旁酒 品尝。 The state of Kentucky has a rich tradition of bourbon making, and many distilleries near Louisville and Lexington offer tours and tastings. 请参阅第42页查看美国东南部地区的地接社信息。 To see a list of NTA tour operators in the Southeast region of the U.S., turn to page 42.