China Directory Best of the USA Directory 2017-2018 | Page 10

美国的魅力 | About NTA NTA与中国 NTA and China 国家旅游局要求中国的出境行社必须与NTA注册 的旅游公司一起为旅游团提供在美旅游的业务。 NTA 是中国国家旅游局认可的执行注册在美国接待中国旅 游团地接社的唯一机构。 2010年至2012年, NTA与美 国商务部国际贸易局合作署一起, 在上海运营了NTA访 问美国中心。该中主要任务是推广美国总体旅游目的 地形象, 并促进两国之间的合作。 2011年底, NTA获 得了美国商务部颁发的促进美国贸易成就奖。 According to the China National Tourism Administration, Chinese outbound travel agents must work with NTA-approved tour operators to handle group leisure travel to the United States. NTA is the only organization designated by the CNTA to manage such a program. Between 2010 and 2012, NTA partnered with the International Trade Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce to operate the NTA Visit USA Center in Shanghai. The center promoted the United States as a destination and facilitated cooperation between the two countries. In 2011, NTA was awarded a certificate of appreciation for achievement in trade by the U.S. Department of Commerce. NTA China Inbound Program NTA中国入境管理项目 2008年初, 中国与美国政府实施了谅解备忘录, 打 开了中国旅游团赴美旅游的大门。该协议的签署对中 国和美国都是一个重大的日子, 也为中国和美国的旅游 专业人士开辟了更好的商机。 NTA是旅游业界专业人士的龙头协会, 认真审批 为中国的旅行社和出境商接待赴美旅游团的美国地接 运营商的名单。中国国家旅游局支持NTA的工作, 并定 期将美国地接社名单上传到国家旅游局的网站上(最新 名单从本名册的第 40页开始)。 按照中国国家旅游局的要求, 所有的中国代理商/ 旅游公司的休闲旅游团都必须与经过认证的美方地接 公司合作。实施这项要求的目的是确保您的客户获得 最好的旅游体验。 为了获得认证, 地接公司必须符合具体要求,并保证 遵循为中国游客的旅游品质及最佳体验而设定的标准。 例如, 经过认证的地接公司必须提供普通话流利的专业 导游; 必须保持旅游线路完整、目的地与住宿质量与广 告宣传相符合; 必须核实所有分包合同商的安全记录, 确保这些公司的运营符合相关的法律; 禁止强迫旅行团 成员购物。NTA与中国国家旅游局以及旅游业界的专 业人士共同努力, 以确保这些标准得到维护与执行。 8 美国最佳 2017–2018目录 In early 2008, the Chinese and U.S. governments implemented a Memorandum of Understanding to open group leisure travel from China to the United States. The signing of the agreement was a great day for both countries and opened up an opportunity for new and better business for Chinese and American travel professionals. NTA, the leading association for travel professionals, is proud to have developed the program to maintain the list of U.S.-based tour operators who are approved to work with travel agents and tour operators in China to serve the group leisure inbound market to the United States. The China National Tourism Administration supports the NTA program and regularly posts the list of U.S.-based approved operators. (Turn to page 40 to find the list of approved operators.) In accordance with the CNTA, all Chinese agents and operators bringing leisure travelers to the United States must work with one of the approved tour operators. This policy is designed to ensure that your clients are getting the best of the United States. In order to gain acceptance on the list of approved companies, tour operators must adhere to certain requirements that ensure quality products and the best experience for the Chinese traveler. For example, approved tour operators must provide a professional guide who is fluent in Mandarin—a group cannot bring a guide from China. Approved tour operators must uphold the integrity of the itinerary and provide the quality of destinations and accommodations that have been advertised. They must review the safety records of all subcontracted suppliers and make sure that these companies are in compliance with laws, and they must not impose coercive shopping on the members of a group. NTA works with the CNTA and professionals in the travel industry to ensure these standards are upheld.