China Directory Best of the USA Directory 2016-2017 | Page 20

东部地区 在去往美国东部的旅行中, 游客们可 以欣赏弗吉尼亚州和康涅狄格州的 历史景点、参观华盛顿特区的纪念碑 和联邦建筑、探索迷人的新英格兰村 落、漫步于纽约摩天大楼之间;游客 们可以追寻美国从早期移民到今天的 成长足迹。 East 2 同一世界观景台(One World Observatory)于2014年开业,是观 赏纽约市以及自由女神像全景的理想 地点。 One World Observatory, which opened in 2014, provides a panoramic view of New York City and the Statue of Liberty. 2 纽约市参观影视节目与电影拍摄地的 好地方,包括影片“Ghostbusters” 中著名的“Hook & Ladder Company 8”的“Firehouse”。 New York City is a good spot for tours of TV show and movie filming locations, including the famous firehouse, Hook & Ladder Company 8, from the “Ghostbusters” films. 18 ONE WORLD OBSERVATORY 1 1 ON LOCATION TOURS On a trip to America’s East, travelers can trace the country’s growth from its earliest settlement to the present as they tour living-history attractions in Virginia and Connecticut, visit the monuments and federal buildings in Washington, D.C., explore charming New England villages and walk among the skyscrapers of New York City. The Best of the USA Directory 2016–2017