China Directory Best of the USA Directory 2016-2017 | Page 13

方地接公司合作。实施这项要 求的目的是确保您的客户获得 最好的旅游体验。 为了获得认证, 地接公司 必须符合具体要求,并保证遵循 为中国游客的旅游品质及最佳 体验而设定的标准。例如, 经 过认证的地接公司必须提供普 通话流利的专业导游; 必须保 持旅游线路完整、目的地与住 宿质量与广告宣传相符合; 必 须核实所有分包合同商的安全 记录, 确保这些公司的运营符 合相关的法律; 禁止强迫旅行 团成员购物。NTA与中国国家 旅游局以及旅游业界的专业人 士共同努力, 以确保这些标准 得到维护与执行。 approved operators. (Turn to page 46 to find the list of approved operators.) In accordance with the CNTA, all Chinese agents/operators bringing group leisure travelers to the United States must work with one of the approved tour operators. This policy is designed to ensure that your clients are getting the best of the United States. In order to gain acceptance on the list of approved companies, tour operators must adhere to certain requirements that ensure quality product and the best experience for the Chinese traveler. For example, approved tour operators must provide a professional guide who is fluent in Mandarin—a group cannot bring a guide from China. Approved tour operators must uphold the integrity of the itinerary and provide the quality of destinations and accommodations that have been advertised. They must review the safety records of all subcontracted suppliers and ensure that these companies are in compliance with laws, and they must not impose coercive shopping on the members of a group. NTA works with the CNTA and professionals in the travel industry to ensure these standards are upheld. 聆听普通话 解说的芝加 哥建筑艺术 我们的沿河建筑艺术观 光之旅,为您提供使用自 己的MP3播放器倾听普 通话解说的便利,在网上 或售票亭均可预订。 包含介绍芝加哥历史与建筑的 完整的75分钟观光游。 使用便利! Shoreline Sightseeing 公司 码头位置: 伊利诺伊州芝加哥市 海军码头与密歇根大道 邮编: 60611 网站: | 电话: 312.373.7258 11