Chichester Yacht Club Magazine April 2017 | Page 3

Rear Commodore House Tony Mobbs Bar and Restaurant Refurbishment I am pleased to announce that we have completed the refurbishment of the restaurant at the Club and I thank all members for your patience over the last few months during the disruptions. We have updated the tables and replaced the chairs with more modern stylish ones. So far the feedback we have received has been very positive. Thanks are due to the team who worked hard to make it all happen. We have also replaced the burgees on new jack staffs in the restaurant which I think shows them off better than before. There are a number we have still not identified despite the efforts of Google so we will be asking members to try to determine the missing New Spring Menu names. From the beginning of April we will be introducing Andy’s new Spring menu. There are still some old favourites but some new Quiz Nights dishes to try out. The spring Quiz Nights were a great success. Congratulations to the winning series team “Miles Behind”. We are hoping to run a similar series in the autumn. 3