Chemistry Connected Summer - Issue Five | Page 30

In this edition of Chemistry Connected we put Airedale Chemicals’ Luca Maceratesi in the ‘10 Questions with…’ hot seat. Q1: Q2: How long have you worked at Airedale Chemical? Q4: I started in 2006 so 10 years and counting.  What have been your previous roles within Airedale Chemical? Q5: I began in the dye lab where I worked for 2 years, there I learned parts of the textile side of our business. In 2008 I OHK[OLVWWVY[\UP[`[VQVPU[OL.LULYHSVɉJLHZHUVɉJL administrator where I built my understanding of the chemical ZPKL;OYV\NOV\[[OL`LHYZ0»]LZLLU[OLNYV^[O^P[OPU[OL JVTWHU`0U0[OPUR0^HZYL^HYKLK^P[O[OLWVZP[PVUVM general manager. Q3:   What has been the businesses greatest challenge to date? Q6: What do you think Airedale Chemical does best? What is involved in your day to day role as General Manager?   `KH`[VKH`YVSLPZ[VTHUHNL[OLNLULYHSVɉJLSPHPZPUN 4 ^P[O^HYLOV\ZLTHUHNLYZ»KHPS`QVIZ WYVK\J[PVUWSHUUPUN managing existing customers, processing sales orders, V]LYZLLPUNZ[VJRJVU[YVSW\YJOHZPUNHUKWSHUUPUNHUK JVTT\UPJH[PUN^P[ONVVKZPU0VJJHZPVUHSS`L]LUTHRL JVɈLLZMVY[OLN\`Z^OPJOPZYHYL  OH[0SV]LHIV\[T`QVIPZ[OH[L]LY`KH`PZZVKPɈLYLU[I\[ > [OH[`V\Z[PSSSLHYUUL^[OPUNZHSS[OL[PTLL]LUHM[LY`LHYZ In my opinion the greatest challenge that this business has V]LYJVTLPZ[OH[L]LU[OV\NO^L»YLNYV^PUNMYVT`LHY[V`LHY ^L»]LTHUHNLK[VRLLWNYLH[YLSH[PVUZOPWZ^P[OV\YJ\Z[VTLYZ KLSP]LYPUNMHZ[ZLY]PJL>LHYLHMHTPS`I\ZPULZZHM[LYHSS We are focused on supplying outstanding knowledge and ZLY]PJLPU[OLJOLTPJHSHUK[L_[PSLZLJ[VY>LRLLWVU L_WHUKPUNV\YWYVK\J[YHUNLHUK^L»YLUL]LYHMYHPK[V[HRLVU a new challenge. Q7:  30 What do you like most about your job at Airedale Chemical? How do you feel generally the chemical market has changed over the last few years?  0KVU»[[OPUR0»]LZLLUNYLH[JOHUNLZPU[OLJOLTPJHSTHYRL[ V]LY[OLSHZ[JV\WSLVM`LHYZI\[0»]L^P[ULZZLKX\PL[HUK]LY` busy periods, it will always be an essential industry.