Chemistry Connected Summer - Issue Five | Page 24

The role of surfactants in personal care Open up any bathroom cabinet and it is likely that most of the products you’re faced with were manufactured with the help of surfactants. Surfactants are a group of chemicals which essentially hold together almost all personal care products, and without which the lotions and WV[PVUZ^LYLS`VU[VKH`^V\SKIL]PY[\HSS`PULɈLJ[P]L A BRIEF HISTORY OF SURFACTANTS PUTTING SURFACTANTS TO USE :\YMHJ[HU[ZOH]LILLU\ZLKPUVULMVYTVYHUV[OLYMVYJLU[\YPLZ^P[O L]PKLUJLZ\NNLZ[PUN[OL)HI`SVUPHUZ^LYL\ZPUNWLYZVUHSJHYLWYVK\J[Z \W[V`LHYZHNVJVTIPUPUNHUPTHSMH[Z^P[OHSRHSPZ\IZ[HUJLZZ\JO HZHZO[VJYLH[LJY\KLMVYTZVMZVHW/V^L]LYP[»ZVUS`PU[OLSHZ[ `LHYZ[OLTHU\MHJ[\YLVM[OLZLWYVK\J[ZOHZYLHSS`L]VS]LKMVSSV^PUN[OL PUJYLHZLKU\TILYVMZ\YMHJ[HU[ZHUKJOLTPJHSWYVJLZZLZH]HPSHISLVU[OL market. These properties make them the ideal ingredient in personal grooming HUKJVZTL[PJWYVK\J[ZZ\JOHZZVHWZZOHTWVVZHUKTHRL\W^OPJO YLX\PYLJSLHUZPUNHUKLT\SZPM`PUNWYVWLY[PLZ;OL`HYLPUL_WLUZP]LHUK OPNOS`LɈLJ[P]LHUKVM[LUYLMLYYLK[VHZ[OLºI\PSKPUNISVJRZ»VM[VPSL[YPLZ due to the essential role they play. THE SCIENCE BIT For those without a chemical background, surfactants are organic compounds which contain both water soluble, and water insoluble JVTWVULU[Z7\[ZPTWS`[OL`SV]L^H[LYHUKMH[PULX\HSHTV\U[ZZV are able to reduce surface tensions allowing two systems that do not UVYTHSS`TP_[VJVTIPULHSSV^PUNHJ[P]LPUNYLKPLU[Z[VJVTL[VNL[OLY Without surfactants, these ingredients would simply fall apart and ILJVTLPULɈLJ[P]L (Z^H[LYHSVULKVLZUV[OH]L[OLJHWHIPSP[PLZ[VSPM[VYLT\SZPM`VPS`VY fatty deposits, surfactants are needed to reduce the surface tension IL[^LLU[OLVPSHUK^H[LY;OLZ\YMHJ[HU[TVSLJ\SLOHZVULº^H[LY OH[PUN»O`KYVWOVIPJWHY[HUKVULº^H[LYSV]PUN»O`KYVWOPSPJWHY[ ;OL^H[LYOH[PUNWHY[TV]LZ[V^HYKZ[OLVPS^OPSL[OL^H[LYSV]PUNWHY[ angles towards the water forming a micelle. This allows the oil to sit in a O`KYVWOVIPJLU]PYVUTLU[^P[O[OLO`KYVWOPSPJLUKZWVPU[PUN[V^HYKZ the water, lifting it from the surface into the solution. 24 6\Y(PYZ\YMYHUNLHUK)LUaHSRVUP\T*OSVYPKLWYVK\J[HYL\S[PTH[LS` used in a wide range of industries but predominantly in the production of personal grooming products such as hand gels and hand soaps, bath foam, barrier creams, cosmetics, shampoo and conditioner and toothpaste.