Chemistry Connected Summer - Issue Five | Page 20

Welcome to some more new additions to the glow family. You would be wrong to think glow stops at household and car care. Our JOLTPZ[ZHYLWYL[[`VIZLZZP]LPUSVVRPUN at new product areas to challenge their OPNOS`ZJPLU[PÄJTPUKZ>LHSZV^HU[ [VVɈLYL]LY`NSV^J\Z[VTLYTH_PT\T ]HYPL[`HUKKP]LYZP[`0U[OLHNLVM the house proud homeowner whether you’re a Tommy Walsh DIY wannabe or a professional decorator there’s always a need for DIY products. Fear not, glow UV^VɈLYZHUL^WYVK\J[ZVS\[PVU[VTLL[ [OPZKLTHUK NSV^OHZU»[MVYNV[P[ZYV\[LZ[OV\NO"JHYJHYLPZZ[PSSHRLLUKL]LSVWTLU[HYLHMVY\Z (SSV^\Z[VPU[YVK\JLV\YIYHUKUL^NSV^JHYJHYLRP[Z-PYZ[PZV\YZ[HNL]HSL[NPM[ WHJR[OH[VɈLYZHSSZ[HNLZVMV\Y]HSL[JSLHUKLZPNULK[VWYV]PKL`V\HJVTWSL[LLUK [VLUKJHY]HSL[ZVS\[PVU0[»Z[OLWLYMLJ[NPM[MVY)PY[OKH`Z-H[OLY»Z+H`HUK*OYPZ[THZ :V^OH[»ZPUJS\KLKPU[OLM\SSISV^URP[&>LSS`V\NL[HSV[MVY`V\YTVUL`WYVK\J[Z PU[V[HSPUJS\KPUNX\PJRZOPM[^HZO ^H_WYV[LJ[ ZOPUL[`YLZOPUL HUKPU[LYPVY]HSL[`V\HSZVNL[ZVTLOHUK`HJJLZZVYPLZPUJS\KPUNHJHY ZWVUNLHUK[^VTPJYVÄIYLJSV[OZ >LOH]LU»[Z[VWWLK[OLYL[OV\NO"PM[OLM\SS RP[PZU»[MVY`V\^LHSZVOH]LV\Y>HZO  Protect kits which includes just the Wash/ >H_7YV[LJ[ :OPUL*HY:WVUNLHUK TPJYVÄIYLJSV[OZPUHTPUPSP[[SL YL\ZHISLJHZL Welcome to our bright new glow DIY sugar soap which has been specially MVYT\SH[LK[VYLTV]LKPY[NYLHZL NYPTL ^OLU`V\OH]L[OLULLKMVYWYLWHYPUN surfaces prior to for painting. It can also be used as a general cleaner around your home. 20 All our new glow car care products and kits are now available to buy in selected retailers across the UK as well direct from our website >LOH]LHSZVJH[LYLKMVY[OL T\S[PTPSSPVUWV\UKJHYH]HUUPUN industry with our brand new *HYH]HU*SLHUPUNRP[^OPJO PUJS\KLZV\Y*HYH]HU*SLHULY )SHJR:[YLHR9LTV]LYHZ^LSS as the hand car sponge and TPJYVÄIYL