Chemistry Connected Summer - Issue Five | Page 11

COMMUNITY CONNECTED DISPATCHED Thank you to our dedicated team at Airedale *OLTPJHS^OVPU1HU\HY`OHUKKLSP]LYLK[OL ]LY`ÄYZ[LKP[PVUVMV\YIYHUKUL^JVTT\UP[` focussed newsletter, Community Connected to V]LYSVJHSOVTLZ6\YZLJVUKPZZ\LOHZ recently been distributed and posted on our social TLKPHJOHUULSZ(ZWHY[VMHU\TILYVMPUP[PH[P]LZ launched under the Airedale Group Foundation [OLUL^ZSL[[LYPZVULVMTHU`HJ[P]P[PLZHPTLKH[ bringing our group of companies closer to our local and surrounding communities. You can read the ]LY`ÄYZ[PZZ\LYPNO[here. ‘SWEET’ IDEA FOR CHARITY Congratulations to the Airedale Chemical Administration team who recently launched their new ‘Tuck box for charity’ scheme. 0TWSLTLU[LKI`+PHUL.LYTHPUL,_LJ\[P]L(ZZPZ[HU[HUK Gwynneth Humphreys, Receptionist, the new scheme is aimed H[Z\WWVY[PUNJOHYP[PLZ^OPJOHYLPUUV]H[P]LS`ZLSLJ[LKI`V\Y V^ULTWSV`LLZVUHTVU[OS`IHZPZ+PHULHKKLKº^L»]L OHKH[\JRIV_MVYTHU``LHYZMVYZ[HɈI\[^L^HU[LK [VW\[ZVTL[OPUNPUWSHJL[OH[HSSV^LK\Z[VNP]LHSS proceeds to charity. We started our own tuck box this TVU[OHUKUV^JY\JPHSS`HSSWYVÄ[ZHYL[VILKVUH[LK to charities close to the heart of employees. The ÄYZ[ILULÄJPHY`PZH\UPX\LJOHYP[`JHSSLK*PYJ\Z :[HYY[OH[WYV]PKLZMYLLZLH[ZMVY[OV\ZHUKZVM KPZHK]HU[HNLKKPZHISLKVY]\SULYHISLJOPSKYLU[V watch their touring circus. we are CSR 11