C(h)arácter Vol 3 September-October 2013 | Page 97

The Gods and Sons' Squash Tournament Santiagoand science fiction. (Seventh grade) likes to draw and play Caicedo In his free time he Santiago enjoys reading fantastic literature videogames. For the first time on the last 30 centuries we have gotten permission from Zeus to do and share an activity with our sons and daughters. “Are you happy about the squash tournament that your uncle Zeus organized?” “Yeah, we can finally spend some time together without escaping from everywhere.” I was really happy, by this time tomorrow we will have to win! I will practice a lot so tomorrow we will classify to the tournament. “And the couples are !” I was hoping that Ares and Clarisse weren’t our partners, but they were. “Team Poseidon against Team Ares.” I had practiced a lot, let’s start the match. We passed to the final as easy as I am describing it: 11 to 9 against Ares, 1 5 to 1 4 against Hades, 1 3 to 11 against Hera and finally 11 to 0 against Hermes on the semifinals. The final match is between Poseidon team (Percy and Poseidon) playing against team Zeus (Zeus and Thalia). We ran out of time on the first game with a result of 5 to 4, defeating Zeus. The second match was a tie. There were many kicks, like nicks or drops but after a 1 2 hour second game, the referee called a tie, 0 to 0. We could have had to beat them so that the accumulate score was not 5 to 4. “We are losing, we have to play better.” –we both said The referee called our attention and made a few announcements; as Zeus chose where to play and what advantage he wanted: playing at the Everest and using lightning rackets. We chose to play at Hawaii and use our Silver trident-shaped water rackets as our advantage. During the next seven days we did nothing but get prepared to play at Hawaii. We did some safety modifications to our rackets and practiced some tricks that we could use so it was easier to play. 97