Chapter 3 Electrochemistry, Chemistry class 12 Chapter 3 Electrochemistry Chemistry, Class 12 | Page 12

Electrical conductance o The inverse of resistance is known as conductance .
o In the equation the constant of proportionality denoted by called rho is called resistivity .
o It is measured in units called ohm metre . o When length = 1m . Cross sectional area = 1m 2 o Then resistivity becomes the resistance . 1 Ω m = 100 Ω cm 1 Ω cm = 0.01 Ω m
Electrical conductance o The inverse of resistance is known as conductance .
o It is measured in a unit called Siemens represented by the symbol ‘ S ’
o It is equal to ohm – 1 also known as mho or Ω – 1 .
o The electrical conductance depends on : Nature and structure of the metal 2 . Number of valence electrons per atom 3 . Electrical conductance decreases with increase of temperature and vice versa .