Chapter 14 Biomolecules, Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 14 Biomolecular, Chemistry Class 12 | Page 3

( Greek oligos = few ). On hydrolysis , they generally give two to nine monosaccharides ( same or different ) and are further classified as disaccharides , e . g ., sucrose , maltose , lactose , trisaccharides and so on .
C12H22O11 is a disaccharide because it gives two monosaccharides .
The bond formed between two monosaccharides is called a glycosidic bond and normally it is ( 1 , 4 ) bond .
Sucrose is most abundant in plants and known as cane sugar or table sugar or invert sugar as equimolar mixture of glucose and fructose is obtained by hydrolysis of sucrose .
Trisaccharides Raffinose ( C18H32O16 )
These are polymers of monosaccharides . Examples are starch , cellulose , glycogen , etc .