Chapter 14 Biomolecules, Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 14 Biomolecular, Chemistry Class 12 | Page 24

Hormones are divided into three types :
1 .
2 .
proteins or polypeptides
3 .
amines .
Insulin is a protein hormone which is secreted by β-cells of the pancreas . Insulin was the first polypeptide in which the amino acid sequence was experimentally determined . Its deficiency leads to diabetes mellitus .
The organic compounds other than carbohydrates , proteins and facts which are required by body to maintain normal health , growth and nutrition are called vitamins .
The vitamins are complex organic molecules . They are represented by letters such as A , B , C , D , E , K .
Vitamins are broadly classified into two types , 1 . Water soluble vitamins and 2 . oil soluble vitamins .