Chapter 14 Biomolecules, Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 14 Biomolecular, Chemistry Class 12 | Page 18

Mechanism of Enzyme Action
Enzyme + Substrate → [ Enzyme substrate ] → Product + Enzyme Activated complex
Applications of Enzymes
( i ) Treatment of diseases The congenital disease phenyl ketonurie caused by phenylalanine hyroxylase can be cured by diet of low phenylalanine content . Enzyme streptokinase is used for blood clotting to prevent heart disease .
( ii ) In industry Tanning of leather , fermentation process etc .
Nucleic Acids
Important Terms of Nucleic Acids
1 . Nucleotldes
Nucleotides consist of 5-carbon sugar + nitrogenous base + 1 , 3-phosphate groups .
2 . Pentose sugar It is either ribose or deoxy ribose ( not having oxygen at C2 ).
3 . Nitrogenous base
Derived from purines having two rings in their structure e . g ., Adenine ( A ) and Guanine ( G ) and derived from pyrimidines having one ring in their structure e . g .,
Thymine ( T ), Uracil ( U ) and Cytosine ( C ).
Two H-bonds are present between A and T ( A = T ) while three H-bonds are present between C and G ( C ≡ G ).