Champions Digest October 2018 | Page 5

PRACTICE & DRILLS TVESA SHARMILA SAANIYA Advice for Junior Golfers... The world is your oyster. Follow your dreams. Stay determined. Hard work beats talent any day. Focus on the process, enjoy the grind and journey getting there. Most importantly surround yourself with like- minded people - by people who make you want to step it up, who inspire you and have a great support team. SHARMILA Stay focused on your goals. Don’t compare yourself to others and don’t rush the process, Enjoy it. Everyone has their own timeline. TVESA SAANIYA Golf is as close as you can get to the game called life. Living in the present, enjoying the process, being honest, not being too obsessed with the results and things that are not in your control, accepting the results and working patiently towards your goals knowing you are on our own timelines.