Champ & I Preview | Page 3

I Got Bit By A Dog

It was a warm summers evening when a handsome strange dog walked by looking for attention . The children on the block gathered around to receive licks and affection as the stray dog was willing to give . My turn came and as I put my cheek to receive my lick , someone had pulled the dogs tail hard and it bite me on the face , and ran off , grabbing me under my chin at the same time . It really did not hurt because I was waiting to be licked by it . I angrily ran upstairs to show my parents , and let them know I was OK , and there is no need to go to the doctors .
Next , we were off going to emergency because stray dogs could have a multitude of diseases including the most dreaded , rabies . Arriving at St . Joseph Hospital things went somewhat fast . My mother told them what happened , filled out some paper work and the next thing I know I was in a waiting room . Not long afterwards a doctor came in to begin the process of shots . “ Shots noooo , no no , no , please no shots , can you please give me some medicine ?” Begging did not work , as it was time to man-up and take the shots . Ouch , it hurt and I thought I was ready to leave when the doctor told me to turn over on my back . I looked at him because I was on my stomach . He must of made a mistake so I laid there . The doctor repeated , “ Can you turn on your back please .” I looked at my mom and she nodded her head letting me know I was hearing correctly . I slowly turned over on my back to see what was going to happen next . Then I saw it … the biggest needle I had ever seen before preparing to come my way but how , I am lying on my back . My mother raised up my shirt as the doctor was coming towards me . “ I ’ m going to give you this one in your stomach ” he said . My mother was holding me saying it ’ s going to be alright . Instantly , I began to sing to overcome my fear . I cannot remember what song it was but I sang it . This shot was taking longer than any other I had received , therefore , I began to sing louder , hoping the shot , and the pressure would end . It did stop , and the doctor said , “ You can go home now .” Thank God , I don ’ t ever want to go through that again . Besides , who gets shots in the stomach anyway ? People bitten by stray dogs .