Champ & I Preview | Page 12

Blissfully praying , kneeling and rigid , A large tear appears in the corner Of her eyes It slowly descends along the grove Of her cheek Then with a hopeful hesitation , it reaches the Corner of her mouth Uncertain as to which direction to proceed , It decided to go downward to the Bottom of her mouth , Where it dropped and settled at the Center of her chin There it took an enormous breath Collected its thoughts , It ’ s energy and It ’ s purpose , Then it fell , rapidly hitting the ground With the force of an Atom Bomb Did you hear it fall ? ( 1993 )

A Black Prayer

Blissfully praying , kneeling and rigid , A large tear appears in the corner Of her eyes It slowly descends along the grove Of her cheek Then with a hopeful hesitation , it reaches the Corner of her mouth Uncertain as to which direction to proceed , It decided to go downward to the Bottom of her mouth , Where it dropped and settled at the Center of her chin There it took an enormous breath Collected its thoughts , It ’ s energy and It ’ s purpose , Then it fell , rapidly hitting the ground With the force of an Atom Bomb Did you hear it fall ? ( 1993 )