Chamber Vision March & April | Seite 6

6 Date March 2017
Emporia Area Chamber of Commerce and Convention & Visitors Bureau

Chairman ’ s Corner

In our last newsletter , our Chairman Pete Euler spoke about being thankful and the opportunity we all have to have a “ Can Drive ” attitude to move the Emporia area forward this year .
I believe Emporia is a wonderful place to live and to do business , and I realize it is because of the people in the area who truly care about each other .
I believe our best asset is not the things we have in our community , but the friendships and working relationships we share that make us a community .
Jeff Williams Chairman-Elect of the
I am grateful for people like Pete who are willing to serve not once but twice as chair in order to help the Emporia area .
This is a huge commitment of personal and business time for Pete to serve again .
I believe the best way we can all thank Pete for his commitment and dedication is to get involved this year by personally adopting a “ Can ” do attitude yourself .
Too often we think of what others “ Can ” do to make things better , but I encourage us all to look at ourselves and determine what “ Can ” I personally do this year to improve our community .
What “ Can ” you do this year to “ Drive ” the Emporia area forward and make it an even better place to live and do business ?
I know it sounds simplistic but that ’ s the beauty in this . If each of us makes a personal commitment to have a “ Can Drive ” attitude this year the attitude will be infectious to those around us and it will expand exponentially by those we encounter on a daily basis .