Chamber Business Connection Vol. 1, Issue 10 | Page 8

Education is important , even before a child enters kindergarten . For some , preschool is a fantastic way to learn various skills . The Grove City Preschool has been open for decades now , and the Director , Judy Morgan , explained during an interview the history and learning style behind it .
“ We ’ re the original Preschool in Grove City ,” she said . We were started in 1957 by a handful of parents ,” she says . “ In fact , We are parent owned and run and nonprofit . We just celebrated our 60th year this past March . Since I ’ ve been here , I ’ ve kept track of how many students have attended . I began in 1991 . My daughter was in one classroom and I started in another one as a teacher . Over 2565 children have attended since then ,” she says with a laugh .
Though she is the director , Morgan explained the parents take a big role in running the preschool and coming up with new educational ideas .
“ We are a parent run preschool , so we have a parent board that meets monthly , and we also have a parent association , kind of like a PTA at a regular school . What I enjoy as a director is the interaction with the parents . Every year we get new , great ideas from the parents that are coming in .”
Morgan continued on to explain that through the parents , the Grove City Preschool has adopted several different forms of learning , geared toward growing creativity and cooperation .
“ We have different areas focusing on different skills . We have a computer in each classroom so they learn computer skills as well .” She said . “ In the science area they get a close look at nature . We have a turtle that has been here for over 40 years – she ’ s actually featured in our logo .” For Morgan though , the best part is seeing children learn .
“ You can just see their little brains ticking . The expression on a child ’ s face when they succeed is fantastic . A lot of puzzles and that sort of thing , they ’ ll be trying and trying and when they finally get it , it ’ s like WOW . As a preschool teacher , you can stand back and watch discovery and learning happen in real time .”

Grove City Preschool